February 2022 Newsletter
Welcome – The January club ride was from 5 Mile Pass to Eureka. We had 47 machines with us.
We traveled around the west side of the Tintic mountains, staying at the lower elevations. After
passing by Black Rock Canyon, we began to encounter snow drifts, causing several people to get
stuck, so we again dropped lower to hopefully avoid any more problems. We had one large hill
to climb, which caused some of the smaller machines to get stuck, including one UTV that got
tipped on its side. After getting everyone to the top of the hill, we were now on the downhill
decent. We came out on Hwy 36, then followed Hwy 6 into Eureka for lunch at the B’s
Hangeout. After lunch we traveled over Homansville Pass, down to Allen Ranch Rd. This was the
muddiest part of the ride. We traveled through 12 Mile Pass, down to the Railroad Grade Rd,
then back to the staging area. Thanks to everyone who came out for the ride, it was a fun day.
For February the plan is to ride Cherry Creek. As us experienced riders know the trail conditions
can vary drastically, from dry to muddy and covered in snow. Please plan accordingly. You can
find staging and ride details on the website soon.
For March our ride will be in Mesquite NV. Please see the Ride Coordinator sections and the
website for hotel and other ride information.
Please continue to RSVP in the events on the website for every ride. To accommodate those
that don’t attend the BBQ we have added a second option to RSVP for the ride. The first Option
should be utilized if you are planning on attending the BBQ. We would like to remind you that
when you RSVP for the BBQ, it is for how many members are in your party. The people count is
critical to ensure that we have enough food for everyone at the BBQ (post ride). We would also
encourage you to bring a side dish to share and provide some variety to our BBQ’s. The second
option is simply to RSVP that you are planning on attending, this will be for machine count.
Please continue to watch the website for our Sponsor of the Month. The Sponsor of the Month
will be offering amazing deals for our Club Members. To take advantage of these deals you will
be required to show your membership card. If you have not received your card, please contact
the Club Secretary to obtain your card.
Ride for Life Committee
Happy February. We are working on Grand Prize donations and getting things rolling for this
year’s ride. Any and all can start collecting for raffle prizes and if you know a company or
someone who would like to donate or participate have them contact me or anyone on the
Congratulations to Mackenzie and Melissa.
Mackenzie Real will be 1st co-chair and Melissa pigeon the 2nd co-chair. We will be working
together to make this year’s ride even better.
Lora Jaterka
Ride for Life Committee Chairperson
Mackenzie Real
st Co-Chairperson
Melissa Pidgeon
nd Co-Chairperson
PIO/Web Team Committee
Hello everyone. We hope that everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy NewYear. All the
ride dates and meeting dates have been added to the website under the events tab and the
rides for February, March, April & May have been posted on the website and the Facebook
page. Please continue to RSVP for the ride’s & the BBQ’s. Hope to see you all out on the trails.
Bill Zumwalt
WEB GUYS Committee Chairperson
Kyle Carlson
Ride Coordinator Committee
The February ride will be at Cherry Creek February 19, 2022. It will be a one-day ride.
The March ride will be in Mesquite, Nevada. March 18-19, 2022. The club has reserved 20
rooms at Virgin River Hotel. You will need to call and make your own reservations. The phone
number is 877-438-2929 ID #: is 3UATV2. Building 7 is the closed to the parking lot.
On Fridays ride we will be going into Arizona, so you will need to purchase an out of state OHV
permit. Google Arizona non-resident, OHV permit and it will take you to it. The cost is $25.
Plus, processing fee.
Hope to see you out on a ride.
Susan Buckalew
Ride Coordinator Committee Chairperson
To Be determined
Safety Committee
Hi everyone Dan with the safety crew here. This month has been a busy month, our first ride of
the year. Great day out at 5 mile we ran with 47 machines and only 2 minor mishaps. 1 belt and
1 machine on its side. Please everyone take; the time when you get in your SXS to buckle your
seat belt or fasten your harness. Only takes a second and could save you from being hurt or
ejected. Thanks, and have a great day.
Dan Jaterka
Safety Committee Chairperson
Craig Dixon
Recreation Committee
Hello everyone and welcome to all the new member(s). We hope everyone had a great holiday
season. We are planning some ideas for rides and another summer BBQ. Details to come. We
hope to see you all out on the rides. If you have any idea’s you would like to request, please let
one of us know
Kyle Carlson
Recreation Committee Chairperson
Cory Pidgeon
Welcoming Committee
Please welcome our newest members: Richard & June Thomas, Nick & Julie Kohout, Maile Chu
& Jeremy Varela, Jason & Tissiana Peterson, Bob & Jan Robinson, Troy & Tracie Dansie, Scott &
Zac Gibson, Dennis & Dana Morton, Jonathon Broomhead, Rand & Allyssa Rhodes, Greg &
Ronnie Ellingson. We look forward to getting to know you and making fun new Memories. The
rides have started up again and we are looking forward to the Cherry Creek ride in February.
The Utah ATV Association never fails to deliver in the fun department! We had a great day
riding out to Eureka. New members and old members rode together and made some great
memories, including lots of snow, mud, stuck machines and 1 napping machine. A good time
was had by all. Everyone, please reach out to our new members and help them feel welcome!
New members, reach out to the current Club members so they can get to know you. Bring your
friends and come ride with us. We promise it will be memorable!
Alice Hayes
Welcoming Committee Chairperson
Karen Summer
Merchandising Committee
Hey ya’ll. Welcome to a new year of riding and fun with great people. We’ve been in contact
with a new vendor and have some new ideas. We’re working on those now and we’ll get that
info out soon! If anyone has ideas for new merchandise they want and think the others may
want, please contact Vickie as she’s the one who’s handling the merchandise. We try to have
the merchandise at all club meetings and rides. So come with cash, venmo or PayPal and we’ll
get ya set up. See ya’s on the trail!
Vickie Bagshaw
Merchandising Committee Chairperson
Wendi Fuller
“Come Ride with Us”