Welcome – We hope everyone is enjoying their summers so far. For our monthly ride we spent
the day in the higher altitude. We left the staging area with 41 machines. We rode roughly 66
miles in what some have said was perfect riding weather. There were no break downs or major
issues during this ride.
We held our post ride BBQ Saturday. Minus the red dirt we had to deal with during the last
BBQ. We enjoy these post ride BBQ’s as it gives everyone an opportunity to tell stories and
make new friends.
Next month we will be riding Panguitch. Please look to the website for staging area information.
We hope everyone was able to make camping or hotel arrangements. As always, If the ride or
staging area changes for any reason, we will provide as much notice as possible.
Please continue to RSVP in the events on the website for every ride. We would like to remind
you that when you RSVP, it is for how many members are in your party. The people count is
critical to ensure that we have enough food for everyone at the BBQ (post ride). We would also
encourage you to bring a side dish to share and provide some variety to our BBQ’s.
The monthly club meeting will be held at Edge Motor Sports as usual. We look forward to
seeing everyone.
Please watch the website for our Sponsor of the Month. The Sponsor of the Month will be
offering amazing deals for our Club Members. To take advantage of these deals you will be
required to show your membership card. If you have not received your card, please contact the
Club Secretary to obtain your card.
Ride for Life Committee
Hey y’all,
Have you registered for the Ride for Life yet? Well get on it!!
We have a month and a half until it is here. If you are riding or not we are still in need of raffle
donations. We can never have too much. In this case the more the better.
If you have anything or get anything for the raffle, please contact anyone on the board and we
can pick them up.
August 20th we will be out Dessert Peak camping and having a BBQ so we hope to see there.
🏝Beach Junky🏖
Lora Jaterka
PIO/Web Team Committee
Hello everyone. There is not a lot new to report about the web page or Facebook. Thank you for
coming out to the Trout Creek Ride. It was a great turn out. We would like to thank everyone
for RSVPing. It really helps us do our part in making sure you all have the best experience and
that there is enough food at the BBQ.
Remember to check out the web page store. We have the new hats and a new size of flag.
Hope to see you all in Panguitch in July. Remember to go to the events tab on the web page
and hit the RSVP button & select the number of people including yourself.
We welcome any comments or ideas please let us know what you would like to see.
Ride Coordinator Committee
Escalante – September 16, 17 and 18th.
If you’re undecided whether you are going on the September Club ride in Escalante or not, we’d
encourage you to call ASAP and reserve a room/RV spot since most have cancellation
allowances (please verify). It’s better to have a room/RV Spot and not need it than to need it
and not have it. We are not endorsing any of these places, we just did some research and found
some hotels and RV Parks in Escalante, Utah on the internet. This isn’t all-inclusive; there are
other hotels, restaurants and RV Parks in the city as well as in surrounding areas. Again, you are
responsible for checking all the details with each business as they may change via business
Motels – Google motels
Prospector Inn (435)359-0011 – Mention you are with the Utah ATV club.
Cowboy Country Inn – 25 S 100 W, Escalante, UT (435) 826-4250
The INN of Escalante – 280 W Main St, Escalante, UT (435) 826-4890
Canyon Country Lodge – 760 UT-12, Escalante, UT (435)626-4545
RV Parks – Google RV parks
Canyons of Escalante RV Park – 495 W Main St, Escalante, UT (435) 826-4959
Escalante Cabins & RV Park – 680 W Main St, Escalante, UT (435) 826-4433
Yonder Escalante – 2020 West, UT-12, Escalante, UT (435) 826-4440
Safety Committee
Hey everyone, Dan with the safety crew here. Hope everyone is doing well. This month we had
a great ride. With the warmer temps out just want to make sure everyone is packing water with
them. You should be taking 1 gal per person per day. Please stay safe, see you on the trail.
Recreation Committee
Hi, you all we hope all is well with you all no real updates we hope everyone is looking forward
to our next ride we will all have a great time looking forward to seeing you all.
Welcoming Committee
Please give a warm welcome to our newest members: Scott & Judy Wiley, Karyl Lee Rodabough,
Corey & Kathy Rees, David & Annette Pettersson, Clinton Johnson & Mandy Bills. We are
excited to get to know you!
Please join us on the July 16th and 17th ride in Panguitch. It will be a fantastic ride! Introduce
yourself to everyone. We are a great group of people!
Merchandising Committee
Hello. Not much has changed this month with merchandise. We are still reviewing items and
hope to have new options soon. Please watch the website and Facebook for announcements
for any upcoming merchandise. And for your convenience we will continue to have a table set
up at club events so that you can take possession of your purchases immediately. If any
member has an idea of a product that they would like us to look at, please contact Bill Bagshaw.
“Come Ride with Us”.