Hello everyone. We hope you all are safe and healthy. It has certainly been an unusual year. Although the directive has been changed some, we are still being asked to gather in groups of 20 or less and to continue social distancing for the health & safety of everyone. With the large amount of people we generally have in attendance, we find it difficult to adhere to that policy. Therefore we have decided to not hold a normal club meeting again this month. However, we will be having the board members meet on Monday 05/11/2020 to do a video that will be posted on Youtube. As soon as it’s available for viewing, a notification will be posted on the Utah ATV Association Facebook page. We will also be doing a trial run with Facebook live. Tune in at 7pm. Feel free to participate and ask questions or comment during the video. At the end of the video, please give some feedback so we know what needs to be improved. We thank you all for your continued support during this difficult time. Hopefully we can hold a regular meeting soon.
The club by-laws have been modified and approved. You can find them on the Facebook page under FILES.
The May club ride in Kanab is still on as scheduled for 05/15 & 05/16. The staging area has been changed so please see the website utahatv.com or the Facebook page for the new location details. Camping is available. There are also a lot of hotels in Kanab that are within about 30 minutes of the staging area. It is a 2 day ride so if you plan on attending 1 or both days, please be ready to ride by 10am each day. Bring your lunches and drinks for out on the trails. We will BBQ burgers & hot dogs after the ride on Saturday while still being respectful of social distancing. You might want to bring a chair. If you would like to bring a side dish or dessert to share that would be greatly appreciated. The club BBQ on June 6th at the park is currently still on the schedule. Please watch for updates.
It will depend on what the health recommendations are by the governor at that time but we definitely keep you posted. All future rides are still expected to be held as planned for now. The Ride For Life is still moving forward. Raffle prizes and rider applications are still coming in. Please don’t let the current situation deter you from planning on participating. We will continue to plan this major club event and we will update you with all information as it comes in.
We are hopeful that we will still be able to hold another successful event. The Make A Wish families are counting on us. In the last couple months we have had a few new members join the club. We would like to say welcome and we are excited to get to know you and ride with you. WELCOME to Ray Smith, Fred & Brenda Sanchez, Joseph & Carolyn Jones, Randy & Vicki Warenski, Dwayne Dyer, Ty Bennett and Marcia & William Buckalew. I hope I haven’t missed anyone. We hope to see you all out on the trails soon.
The new list of channels for our radio has been posted in FILES on the Facebook page. We will try and stay on channels 1-5 as 6-13 are weather channels and 14-23 are low power channels limited to 2 watts. If you are going to be using the GMRS stations, we recommend you get your GMRS license. You start on this page by getting your FRN # (it’s the first box on the left) https://apps.fcc.gov/coresWeb/publicHome.do Then go to this page to start the process https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsEntry/licManager/login.jsp.. Your radios may need to be reprogrammed. We are working on a way to get this accomplished. More details will be given as we get that figured out.
Once again, we hope to see you all soon. Be safe and stay healthy. Come ride with us!