UTAH ATV ASSOCIATION'S 38th Annual Ride for Life

Benefiting: MAKE-A-WISH UTAH

Mission Statement:
We grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical
conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength, and joy!!
AUGUST 20th & 21st 2022
If you are a paid member you will receive $10.00 in raffle tickets in lieu of the $10 discount
Registration fee if paid by July 25th _ Ages: 6 -12 $60.00, 13–16 $75.00, 17 and older $95.00.
After July 26th – there is no guarantee of a shirt.
The registration fee pays for Sunday’s continental breakfast, a T-shirt, and a decal.
To date, the Ride for Life has raised over $560,000.00 and has granted over 120 wishes.
Start: Deseret Peak complex at 2930 Highway 112 in Tooele (off exit 99 on I-80)
End: Wendover Nugget at 101 West Wendover Blvd.


Current registration for ATV/UTV. Drivers 8-16 years old must have a safety certificate and an adult with them on the ride.

One rider per ATV unless is it a manufactured two-up machine.

All ATV/UTV must have insurance on their machines and riders.

A Forest Service-approved spark arrestor is required for all machines.


Restriction for ATV’s

One rider per ATV unless the ATV has been manufactured as a two-up machine.

The BLM requires All ATV/UTV have insurance on their machines and riders per the issued permit.

All ATV riders are advised to wear a DOT approved helmet.

Any ATV Rider under 18 years of age are required by law to wear a DOT approved helmet.

All ATV’s must be able to maintain a speed of 40 MPH.

Side-by-side restrictions:

1) All person’s in the vehicle must pay the registration fee, no one under 6 years old is allowed on the ride.

2) Must have at least ½ doors, net or hard

3) Minimum 3 point seat belt or harness

4) Minimum 4 point roll cage

5) must be able to maintain 40 mph.

6) All ATV’s and Side-by-sides must have a spark arrestor – you will be inspected.

If you do not have an arrestor at inspection, you will not leave the complex.

If you have any questions please call Steve @ 801-520-9839.


 1 Ticket will be given to each registered rider. For, every $50.00 in donations (donations can be cash, credit card or check) you will receive 1 ticket.

If you collect $250.00 you will receive 1 extra ticket, $1000.00 you will receive 2 extra tickets, $2,500.00 you will receive 3 extra tickets and $5,000.00 you will receive 4 extra tickets.


Past Grand Prizes donors include but not limited to: Steadman’s, The Edge, LMR, Serta, Parris RV, and Tooele Valley Motorsports.


Applicable sales taxes on Grand Prizes are the winner’s responsibility. (Value of $1000.00 & above)

SECONDARY PRIZES: Tickets can be purchased Saturday morning at registration or Sunday morning at breakfast. Tickets will cost $1.00 for 1 ticket. Secondary prizes have a value of up to $999.00.

If you have prizes donated to you for the raffle, contact Lora, she will assist you in facilitating transport of the donated items to Wendover.


You are responsible for your room reservations and payment for Saturday night. To make your reservation at special rates you must call The Wendover Nugget 1-800-848-7300 

 The room rate at the Wendover Nugget this year is $99 . The room code will be sent after you register . Room code is for participating riders and volunteers only.

If you have special requests on room reservation (handicapped, smoking, non-smoking or two beds) you must let hotel know when you make reservations, NO CHANGES can be made at check-in at the hotel.



In the event of a machine breakdown, we will have trailers available for any machine that is disabled for any reason. If the breakdown occurs before Delle, the affected machine will be trailered to Deseret Peaks. If the breakdown occurs after Delle, the affected machine will be trailered to Wendover. It will be the machine operator(s) responsibility to get their machine back to Deseret Peaks. Transportation of a disabled machine from Wendover to Deseret Peaks can be provided for a fee of $100.00 per machine.


The Utah ATV Association & Tooele County Sheriff have the authority to trailer your machine for reckless riding. There will be one verbal warning at the rider’s meeting. The second time you will be trailered for the REMAINDER OF THE EVENT.


It is imperative that the Person that registered is the person on the bike. We

understand that changes need to be made, PLEASE inform us of any changes as soon as

possible or at check in. You must bring Picture I.D. Or registering guardian.

We will be stopping three times throughout the route for you to gas up, get drinks and use the


Saturday August 20th 2022

6:00-7:30 Check in will begin

7:30 am: We will have riders meeting to inform us of any last minute

changes, you must attend.

We will then line up ready to leave the complex,

WITH YOUR HELMET ON!!!! We will be escorted by Tooele County Sheriff’s, Search &

Rescue and the Ambulance  and the RFL Safety Crew, to the trail head.

Lunch:      Time is unknown. It will depend on how the ride progresses. Lunch will be available for $3.00. All proceeds go to Make-A-Wish Utah (Check, Cash, VENMO, and PayPal). We will arrive in Wendover at or as close to 3:00 PM as possible. The time may vary depending on any issues encountered on the trail.

Just a reminder no one can check in to the hotel until after 3:00pm.

Sunday August 21st 2022

6:30 am Continental breakfast will be at the convention center in the Wendover Nugget.

7:00 am Secondary prize drawing will begin.

11:30 am Be at ATV parking area ready to ride.

We will stop at Knolls on the way home for lunch.



luggage will be transported to the Wendover Nugget Lobby. It is your responsibility to get

your luggage from the lobby and take to your hotel room. Please pick up luggage within 45

minutes. On Sunday morning, you will be responsible to get your luggage to the lobby of

Nugget hotel. The Utah ATV Association, Wendover Nugget, Tooele Sheriff’s Department

& Search and Rescue are not responsible for any lost or stolen items.


The parking area for the bike’s only, is located in the parking terrace to the east of

hotel on the lower level. It will be secured from August 21st at 3:00 pm to August 21st at 11:00

am. All bikes left in parking terrace after 11:00 am will not be secured. The Utah ATV

Association & Wendover Nugget will not be held responsible for any theft or damage.


We will have gas for purchase. If you need a pre-mix, you will need to bring your own

but, we will haul it for you. Please mark your cans. All proceeds from the sale of gas goes to

Make-A-Wish. Gas will be priced at a competitive rate.

We also take 4 portable toilets and all the water and soda pop you can drink at no charge.

On the application, we are asking if anyone is certified as an EMT or certified as an

ATV/Side-by-side mechanic. We feel that if we utilize the talents of our riders we will be

able to make this event safer and run smoother.

Thanks to everyone for your continued support. Without you, we could not

give the Children of MAKE-A-WISH UTAH their wishes and make their

dreams come true.

Lora Jaterka

Ride for Life Chairman




Mackenzie Real



Email: knzdallin@gmail.com


Melissa Pidgeon



Email: cmpkb092401@aol.com

UTAH ATV Association Ride For Life Registration Form

  • Emergency Contact - NOT ON THE RIDE

  • REQUIRED Bike Information

  • Additional Questions:

  • Calculate Your Registration Fee

  • Price: $95.00
    Includes breakfast, t-shirt, & sticker.
  • Price: $75.00
    Includes breakfast, t-shirt, & sticker.
  • Price: $60.00
    Includes breakfast, t-shirt, & sticker.
  • Price: $3.00
  • Price: $4.00
  • Additional Items:

  • Price: $20.00
  • Price: $3.00
  • Price: $4.00
  • Price: $12.00
  • Price: $5.00
  • Price: $5.00
  • Price: $5.00
  • Price: $25.00
  • Total

  • $0.00